7 Steps To Invincible Health: What Doctors Won’t Tell You

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These 7 steps are a framework to transform your health and effectiveness in life by showing you the secrets to the untapped potency and strength available in the human body. When I say ‘untapped’, I mean it’s there but you need to learn to access it and activate it. This happens by knowing what to do and how to do it, and then taking deliberate daily action towards one or more of your health goals by using these steps. 

This formula is about getting tangible results and health improvements on a daily basis. 

Implementation, practice and experimentation are the keys to getting any transformation in your life. I took care of the experimentation part during my 8 year journey into the depths of extreme joint and muscle pain, digestion problems and arthritis. I cured all of it and I never once went to the doctor.

I’m here to share that message with you and empower you to take your health into your own hands. And now, in these times of unprecedented chaos, collective anxiety and panic, it’s more crucial than ever to take control of your health if you want to emerge from this world crisis stronger than before.

You see, spending time on learning new approaches to health now, is you making an investment in your future so you’re prepared for whatever society’s instability may bring, whether it’s in the form of viruses, wars or social unrest. Just remember to take notes, breathe well and implement and practice. 

When you begin to practice these 7 steps you’ll internalize and understand them through action. This means they must be put into to practice.

With consistent effort, you will begin to master two extremely powerful abilities:

1. The ability to consciously change your mindset in how you view your body, therefore increasing its capabilities, and realizing your power to accomplish things you thought of before as impossible (it’s real). 

2. The ability to adapt your daily routine to the format that best suits your schedule, personality and talents, without taking hours out of your day. 

Before reading the 7 steps, keep this in mind:

Transformation is in the beginning, the end, and every other step along the way. The reason this is so vital to you seeing the same incredible results that I’ve seen in my health and fitness is this: You can literally change how you feel for the better on a daily, even hourly basis. This is the cornerstone of everything I’m teaching and must be felt. 

If you don’t believe yourself capable, you won’t get anywhere and you won’t get the results you want. Like all valuable things in life, you need to want it. But you also need patience and effort, which are needed to accomplish anything in life that is worthwhile. 

The moment you tell yourself that your body CAN or CANT do something, you cement that as your reality. 

The 7 Step Breakdown

1. Value Yourself First. 

This is something we aren’t taught in school. People continue to fail because they have low self esteem. People buy cars and houses to impress people they hate. People go into debt, ruin relationships and live miserable lives because of lack of belief and confidence in who they are. They have low self- esteem.

The solution is this: understand where true confidence and self- esteem come from…

No one will give you permission to value yourself. If you want it you will need to take the steps to build your self- esteem, and the first step is to learn to value yourself, trust yourself and hold yourself to a higher standard, always.

Don’t EVER underestimate yourself.

Underestimation is the first and last mistake people make when trying to get through physical and mental challenges that life throws at them. 

Adversity is part of life. Humans didn’t make it through tens of thousands of years of war, scarcity and natural disasters by giving up. Adversity is and always has been the lever that forces us to raise the bar and figure out groundbreaking solutions. 

There is a popular saying “Necessity is the mother of invention”. But I like to say, more specifically: “Adversity is the mother of invention.” 

So back to the present. We’ve gone wrong as a society because we started looking outside of ourselves, ignoring our needs, and believing the nonsense we were force- fed about health.

We’ve been fooled into believing that doctors have all the solutions when in reality they lack fundamental knowledge about the cause and effect link between the body and the mind.

2. Train With Intention, Rest With Intention.

The ebb and flow of a dynamic and effective exercise routine is critical to your success in making strength and condition gains. Recovery is just as important as exercise, because without it, tense muscles prevent you from reaching your potential and lead to injuries and then mental trauma that comes with lingering injuries.

When you know when to rest and when to train hard you are gradually increasing your strength over months and years. 

The point of this type of training is to reduce injuries and avoid them altogether. Because when we are injured, we are not training and therefore we’re not able to increase our skill level or improve body mechanics.

When I started taking rest days after hard training, and taking a step back from it all, I found myself spending less time in pain and more time in the water, more time on the mats, and therefore more time enjoying the benefits of feeling good physically and therefore mentally. 

3. Learn the art and science of breathing 

Breathing is a skill and a discipline. 

It takes practice to learn how to breath correctly. When I say “correctly” I mean breathing in a way that will support you in meeting challenges in life. 

Have you ever noticed what happens to your breathing when something starts to get you mad?

Breathing speeds up, gets uneven, and comes more from the chest than from the diaphragm. This type of chest breathing is common and is something that happens when you’re stressed out, mad, or just unsettled… UNTIL you start to practice right breathing. 

Practice breathing from the diaphragm, not the chest.

Just remember these 2 points: 

1. Practice elongating each breath.

2. Test if you’re breathing right by putting your hand on the upper stomach just below the rib cage. If you feel that area rising and falling with every breath, you’ve got it. If not, you’re breathing from the chest. Try again and think of bringing your breath lower, lower towards the vital organs. 

And the next time you feel a person or situation or situation starting to stress you out, think of that exercise and think of keeping your breaths long. It makes a world of difference. 

4. Make Your Diet Work For You, Not Against You

Diet can either undermine your health and training gains or it can support and multiply them. Whether you’re training for a triathlon or just trying to get rid of chronic stomach pain which bothers you during the day at work, understanding the chemistry between the different foods you consume will change everything. 

Your activity level and lifestyle determines which foods are an ideal combination. For me, removing meat from my diet dramatically increased my energy level and improved my digestion. Though I made that change 8 years ago, I’ve continually adapted my diet, and I’ve taken out more foods than I’ve added in. I’m constantly looking at how I feel vs. what I’m eating. 

Here’s 3 things to do that will help you optimize your diet:

-Learn to read ingredients. This means educating yourself about common, inflammatory ingredients such as canola oil, sodium benzoate and hydrogenated oils. Starting to avoid those ingredients will improve your energy level and your mood. 

-Use fasting 1-3 times a week. 

There are many ways to fast. But even a 4 hour fast can be transformative. For example: If you normally eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, try not eating anything for the first 4 hours after you wake up. This speeds up metabolism, muscle recovery and heals the intestine. 

-Note how you feel vs. what you ate an hour ago, 3 hours ago, 12 hours ago, 2 days ago. It all matters. 

5.  Anticipate, Anticipate, Anticipate. 

People ask me how to avoid injuries. My answer is anticipation. This means I think ahead when I’m training. If there are waves coming, I don’t train as hard right before (at least not 1-2 days before). That’s how you build up energy and avoid injuries. You give your body time to prepare and heal up scar tissue from past workouts.

Another key I use is self applied trigger point therapy. But more on that in Step 7. 

6. Replace Fear With Enthusiasm

The topic of fear is little- talked about and very important. I’m not talking about the fear of a car that’s speeding towards you as you cross the street and makes you get out of the way. That kind of fear keeps you alive and there is no internal debate or conflict going on. It’s an immediate threat, then an immediate path to safety.

I mean the type of fear that has stayed with you for your years, that holds you back from getting the things you desire most in life.. the kind of fear that does cause internal debate. It’s a psychological fear that quietly affects all your decisions and just never seems to go away. 

But whatever that fear is, it’s guaranteed to be closely related to the key to unlocking your potential as a human. 

There’s a great quote from legendary martial artist Rickson Gracie: 

“You have to face your fears. Because if you don’t they’ll eventually wear you down and destroy you.”

And it’s true, fear and anxiety need to be addressed and given attention. Know that you can heal those mental scars that are causing it. And don’t leave it for tomorrow. Do it today. 

Fear slowly erodes conviction and will eventually destroy hopes and dreams in the long run. 

7. Do Your Own Body Work

This is also a cornerstone of changing your health and fitness and reaching previously unimagined levels in your life. 

I’m talking about trigger point therapy. It’s a practice which uses leverage and pressure to penetrate tense muscles and fix old injuries and prevent future injuries. 

Tools used include rocks, and a lacrosse ball (I think a tennis ball is too soft). Trigger point therapy takes patience, precision and dedication but can be a life- changing practice when applied daily. 

I spent years learning it and practicing it and cured myself of arthritis and chronic joint and muscle pain using trigger point therapy. 

My practice got a jumpstart when I found a book that explained it all in detail, including the science behind it and the techniques for applying it. It’s called “The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook” by Claire Davies. It can be found on Amazon. 

I’ll be getting much more into this topic but wanted to introduce it here on this page. Stay tuned.. 

Now that you’ve read the 7 steps, you’re ahead of the crowd. But don’t just read them and think “That was cool” and forget about them. 

Make a plan for how you’re going to implement. Without action, an idea is useless, no matter how compelling. So now that you’re aware of this knowledge, get out a pen and paper and take some notes. 

Write down the 2 steps that stood out most to you and write down 4 ways you can put each into practice. 

Talk to you soon,


Additional resources:
Watch this video on how to read ingredients to boost your energy level and health

Check out how to build muscle and burn fat without going to the gym in this video

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